To schedule a workshop email us at with item number, date, time and institution.
Bullying I………………………………………………………………….……………………………………..P1032
This educational activity workshop is designed to provide you with suggestions and techniques to help you, your chlld(ren) and family prevent being the victim of bullies or being the bully. For parents with children of all ages.
Bullying II….………………………………………………..………………………………………………….…….P1033
A continuation of Bullying I. Parents are provided with additional and in depth suggestions and techniques to help you, your chlld(ren) and family prevent being the victim of bullies or being the bully. For parents with children of all ages.
Defeating Cyber Bullying…………………………..………………………………………………………….….P1034
Strategies parents can use to help protect their children from devastating effects of cyber bullying. Students are bullied at every grade level. Cyber bullying is invading the home. Parents must know the steps to take and what to do in order to help their children deflate the horrific effects of this type of harassment. For parents with children of all ages.
Improving Technology Skill to Promote Higher Academic Achievement…………………………..P1035
Techniques to improve parents abilities in assisting their children with using Technology for School Improvement. Using technology in every subject can broaden a student’s knowledge and experiences. The benefits of this gain will propel students ability to relate to the subject matter and to master the content. For parents with children of all ages.
Parents Committed to School Success…….………..………………………………………..…………..P1036
Parents will learn and practice techniques that help improve student learning. Parents are introduced to skills that are proven to motivate students to write, read and learn at a higher level during their school years. Strategies to ensure pre- school attendance, early parental involvement, making success feel comfortable, developing confidence along with skills that are lifelong enhancers will promote school success. For parents with children of all ages.
Cross-Category (Special Education)Reading Works Just for Me …………………………………….PM2002
This workshop is designed to assist parents of special needs children. It will provide concrete activities with manipulatives that will deal with their children’s deficient reading skills. Basic skills of letter recognition, phonemic awareness, sentence structure and comprehension will be addressed.
Building Bridges: Working Effectively with Your Child’s School……………………………………..P1008
This workshop focuses on building effective home-school partnerships. Activities will help parents understand how their school experiences affect their relationship with their child’s school. Parents will learn how to create and maintain positive relationships with teachers and administrators as well as develop plans for consistent communication with the school. For parents with children of all ages.
Communicating Effectively with Your Child…………………………………………………………….P1009
Positive communication between parents and children increases children’s pro-social behavior at home and school. This workshop assists parents in identifying their communication style, learning various listening strategies, giving effective instructions to children, and understanding the importance of nonverbal behavior in communication. For parents with children of all ages.
What You Need to Know About Individual Education Programs (IEP)..………………………………P1010
This workshop assists parents whose children may be eligible for an Individualized Education Program, or have been referred for an IEP. This workshop focuses on understanding parent rights in the IEP process, how to initiate a referral for an examination, outlining the steps involved in an IEP, how to prepare for an IEP meeting and how to remain engaged throughout the process. For parents with children of all ages.
Structure It’s Not a Bad Word; It’s a Good Thing……………………………………………………… P1011
Children who lack structure are more likely to have problems at home, at school and with their peers. Children like structure and thrive when there is structure. In this workshop, parents will; understand structure and why children need it, learn the benefits, learn strategies to create structure and routines at home and meet the challenges that get in the way of a consistent routine. For parents with children of all ages.
Good Words Which Maintain Control…………………………………………………………………..… P1012
Explore the use of how words cause reactions and influence how children feel about themselves. Parents will experience how the meaning and delivery of words have long lasting effects on the recipient. This workshop will assist parents with communication and discipline of their children by using “Good Words.” For parents with children of all ages.
Direct Your Child in Good Behavior………………………………………………………………………… P1013
In this workshop parents will uncover how security, firmness, kindness consistency, happiness, limits and environment are factors which determine behavior. Parents will explore signals that may be indicators of negative behavior which can be addressed and the behavior avoided. For parents with children of all ages.
Positive Emotional Development………………………………………………………………………….…. P1014
Parents will experience what it is like to have emotional needs met as well as the effects when these needs are not met. Numerous techniques, from which parents can choose, are uncovered which will help them provide and/or enhance basic emotional needs in their children. For parents with children of all ages.
Helping Your Child Learn………….…………………………………………………………………………… P1015
Parents explore self worth, motivation, pressure and their home atmosphere as they relate to their child’s learning. This workshop helps parents step into their child’s shoes in order to formulate strategies best suited for improving their child’s attitude about learning. For parents with children of all ages.
Developing Your Child’s Self-Esteem……..…..…………………………………………………………….. P1016
An atmosphere in which your child knows they are secure, loved, given attention, and wanted is one in which self-esteem is developed. When your child feels good about him/herself, he/she feels their potential is unlimited. In this workshop parents step into various environments in order to construct the one which is best for their child. For parents with children of all ages.
Managing Your Preschool Child’s Behavior at Home………………………………………………………..P1017
The preschool years are a time of considerable developmental changes that are often marked by intense behavioral reactions. Parents will engage in practicing age appropriate techniques in order to increase positive behavior, handle and reduce negative aggression, and work with young children who are challenging and disruptive. For parents with children ages 3 to 6.
Healthy Minds, Healthy Feelings…………………………………………………………………………..…… P1018
This educational activity-based workshop reveals how children interpret and respond to rules, criticism, compassion and being compared, among other points. How these points are implemented contribute to the healthy minds and healthy feelings of children. For parents with children of all ages.
Stages of Manhood…………………………………………………………………………………….…….. P1019
This interactive workshop consists of comprehensive design activities. These activities guide parents in helping in the development of young men to manhood. For parents with children of all ages.
Home and Harmony……………..………………………………………………………………………………. P1020
This workshop looks at various home situations so parents can reflect on their own. Techniques and activities best suited to bring harmony in the home are tested. Parents decide which techniques will positively promote harmony in their home. For parents with children of all ages.
The Single Parent …..…………………………………………………………………………………..…..…… P1021
This workshop takes parents through challenges faced by single parents and their children. Parents walk through techniques they can use to meet those challenges. For parents with children of all ages.
Developing Values for Responsible Living…..……..……………………………………………………… P1022
This workshop focuses on how pre-teens develop values so parents can implement strategies which will bring about responsible behavior. Understanding, appreciation, choices, expectations, and character are among the areas parents connect to responsible behavior. For parents with children of all ages.
Helping Your Child Say NO to Alcohol, Tobacco and Drugs………………………………………..….. P1023
Parents develop methods to prevent chemical dependency in their children based on their individual situation, environment and experience. Parents will determine how to instill NO so that it comes natural to their children. For parents with children of all ages.
Understanding Standardized Testing and Its Implications…………………………………….………….P1024
This workshop informs parents about standardized tests, their purpose and impact on children’s education. Parents will also learn how to prepare their children for standardized testing. For parents with children ages 8 to 14.
To schedule a workshop email us at with item number, date, time and institution.